Useful Telephone Numbers
Daily course information is available at http://www.copsewoodgrange.co.uk/members-area/. An audio message is also available via 024 7644 8355.
Golf Club Bar 02476 635992
Other telephone numbers including the committee are at http://www.copsewoodgrange.co.uk/contact/
This booklet is intended to provide new members with information that will make it easier for them to get settled into the golf club. It is also intended to help them to know what activities are available to them at the club so that they are able to integrate into the club as quickly as possible. Most information including golf fees, green fees, contact numbers, links to competitions and results are on the website.
COPSEWOOD GRANGE GOLF CLUB is a sub section of the Copsewood (Coventry) Community Sports & Social Club. Your golf fees include the appropriate membership fee of the Copsewood (Coventry) Sports & Social Club is a pre-condition for membership of Copsewood Grange Golf Club
All golfers must give priority to the ground staff.
Casual golfers should allow matches to play through.
Members Guests
Each Member is entitled to invite up to three guests to play at any time excepting competition times on Saturdays and during Senior competitions on Wednesday mornings.
Casual golf bookings can be made via BRS up to 3 days in advance. Select “Guest” from the drop down. Note that visitors can only book a maximum of one day in advance, so that members get first choice. Green Fees for guests are on the noticeboard in the hut by the first tee. Put their fee in an envelope with your name on it into the cash box. There is a 20% reduction for members guests who hold a valid County Card.
Handicaps & Competitions
The golf club season starts at the end of March each year and normally starts with an Opening Greensome. Any member wishing to enter any Club competition MUST have a club handicap. If you are a member and do not currently have a handicap then to obtain one you must submit score cards covering 54 holes that have been marked by a club member who has an official club handicap. These cards should normally be played off the white competition tees, but if the yellow tees are used please ensure this is marked clearly on the card. Competition results and Handicap indices are on the masterscoreboard system which can be accessed via the members page. New members are permitted to submit a handicap card within a competition slot – mark the card as “For handicap purposes only”.
Entry to club competitions is via the BRS online booking system, which is linked from the members page. A BRS app for iphone users can also be downloaded from the web. Saturday timesheets go live at 18:15 on the Wednesday 10 days before. You may enter your own name and the name of one other member.
Timesheets for Wednesday Seniors (over 55) competitions normally go live at 06:57 the previous Wednesday. You may enter your own name and three others.
We also operate a 9 hole summer league from April to September. There are 2 games each month, alternating between Medal and Stableford, Tuesday and Thursday. These are all day competitions – book any slot and find a partner to verify each others scores.
If you are unable to play in a competition having entered, you should go back into BRS and cancel the booking. If you cannot play and do not remove your name from the sheet then disciplinary action will be taken of disqualification from the next two club competitions. Also remember that you must not leave a fellow competitor on their own without notification, and if playing in a pairs competition that at least one of either yourself or your partner MUST turn up for the competition so that the other pair are able to play.
If you need any further clarification on the above competitions or the rules governing entry please contact the Competition or Assistant Competition Secretary. All competitions Dates and formats are displayed on our website and in Masterscoreboard.
Club Facilities
The changing rooms are within the pavilion at the Sports Ground that are reached via the main entrance at the pavilion and include showers, toilets and lockers. There is a security door on the outside of the locker room to gain access to these lockers and the access code is changed on a regular basis to aid security. The outside door of the pavilion is locked each night and is opened each morning by the ground staff. The code is issued to all members but it is very important that the code is not passed on to anyone else including your guests. If your guest wishes to use the changing facilities then please open the door for them without giving them the code. There is a suggestion book on the table in the locker room.
Lockers are £12 per year or pro rata.
There is a practice net as you enter the course, a putting green, chipping area and a bunker. There are notice boards in both the locker room and hut by the first tee. There is a sign near the main entrance that details if the course is open, if any competition is running and if tees are reserved for any reason. Please observe these at all times.
Bar opening times are on the noticeboards and include Wednesday lunchtime and all day at the weekends. You will be issued with a members bar card that entitles you to a discount. Please support the bar and the club. The bar is also open from 12:30 to 3pm when seniors matches are played at home – these are detailed in the Fixtures linked from the members page.
If you are interested in a coffee before or after play, you can self mess in the Grange room which is on the right hand side of the foyer. The room contains a TV and kettle, but you will need to bring your own supplies. Please tidy up and close the door after use. The door code is available from committee members.
A full programme of matches against other clubs and golf societies is arranged for both normal club members and seniors and you are encouraged to play in these matches. Members wishing to be considered for these matches should append their names to the appropriate sheets displayed on the notice boards in the changing room.
Senior Section
The minimum age for membership to the senior’s is 55 years old. Competitions take place most Wednesdays, and are generally played over nine holes. The senior section notice board is in the changing room. There is a nominal fee, currently £5, to join the senior’s section.
Car Parking
Members should use the parking around the Pavilion building and NOT along the drive. The rear car park is rented out to ORBIT on weekdays, but may be used at weekends. The golf end of the Rugby pitch may only be used as an overflow car park when the Social club is holding major events and you have been advised by the golf secretary. Car parking adjacent to the first tee is strictly limit to volunteers marshalling the green fee hut.